Tea Time!

Thursday, 10 October 2019

This is a picture of me and my sister dressed up because we 'felt like it'.  :)

Hi everyone, 

So today is Thursday, and I am having a hard week so far. Yesterday I had a long day in Utrecht. Because I had a test starting at 8:45 pm.. Yeah I know, it's ridiculous.. I had to wait for 7 hours after my lecture to make this test, and every hour I got sicker. I eventually made the test with a fever, resulting in failing this one. It was a grammar test, and I couldn't focus at all. But to make it even better, my university also planned a test for 9am this morning. :( But after a conversation with our teacher he could schedule it ann hour later, so I had the test at 10 am this morning, still while having a fever because I can't miss these tests. I failed this one too. I am having two rough days.

To make this week even better, tomorrow I am getting my wisdom teeth removed. A few months ago the first two got out, now it is time for the last two. I am not looking forward to it, you may understand.

Next week I also have a lot to do and hand in. 2 tests, a (pre-final) essay, a presentation and a small paragraph. At the moment, I don't know where to start and I can't fail these tests because I need to pass these courses with a 5.5 as average. Little mental breakdown.

So instead of doing something useful for uni, I decided to write a blog post. It's been a while and sometimes it is hard to make time for blogging. Days seem so short when I'm busy studying. But I don't want to complain too much because I still enjoy studying only it is just not the right time to feel sick. There's no time to be sick. That makes me (kinda) miss my gap year. It is really nice to come home after a long day of work and just do nothing. Nothing on my mind, just doing what I want to do. I miss that feeling.

What I do enjoy of being busy every day is that I have a lot of social contact. Being around people is very nice, chatting the time away. It also makes me enjoy my alone moments more. I like being with people and friends but I really need time for myself. Just to read a book or watch something.

After next week I have a (sort of) long break. These courses didn't have big exams, only small tests and an oral exam, and an essay. Because of that, I have to go two days to uni (one to hand in my essays and 1 to go to the oral exam). So I have a break of three weeks, to prepare for the next period and to just DO NOTHING. I am looking forward to those weeks, I really need them. Not kidding.

I hope you guys are doing a little better. I hope to blog more in my weeks off, maybe to write some in advance so I can keep posting regularly. I had a really nice post written but I need pictures and it is just constantly raining here in the Netherlands. At least on the days when I have some time to make the pictures. Very sad..

Well, I hope you liked this short and unexpected post. It's nice to write this away from me. See you soon guys, I hope I survive this next week!



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