Well, I think the title of this post says enough about today's topic, I will explain it to you anyway. In the last year, I developed a, I want to say small but I'm not sure, addiction for plants. I have way too many plants for the size of my room (I still live with my parents), and I keep wanting more. There are just too many cute ones! In the Netherlands we have this store called: 'Intratuin', that's a dangerous place for me to go. It's like a small Ikea, but only for plants, gardening and outdoor furniture. Oh, and also a few things for pets, if I'm right :) Yeah, when I go there I always buy something.. hihi.
When I was younger, I could never keep my plants alive. I always forgot to water them, and I almost killed a cactus by not watering it. But something changed in the last two years. After I bought my first large plant, my Monstera (See picture above, Monstera Deliciosa: link here). I really like this plant, it does take in quite some space. It's a plant that does his own thing and hard to kill, if you just water it weekly, it will do very well. But after a month or so after buying it, I discovered brown spots on the leaves. Since I put it in a larger pot, it thrives, with new leaves every 2/3 weeks, it grows fast. Since taking care of my plants became a habit for me, I don't have problems with them dying anymore!
I took a cutting from my Monstera, a cutting means a leaf with a stem and a root (I wish I made pictures of it, but it was a while ago), this cutting I put into a vase with water until it sprouted. Now, as you see, I planted it into the ground and it already got his second leaf! For me, this was the first time, I did something like this, and I'm so glad it worked out. My plants are kind of my babies and I think it's so much fun to take care of them.
This is a plant that deserves to be in the spotlight, I bought this Pilea Peperomioides (or literally translated to Dutch: Pancake plant: link here), for €1,50. It was a very sad, little plant when I bought it, with bad leaves and dark spots. But with a bit a love, sun and water it turned out very good and happy! You still see that some of the leaves are damaged, but that's also the beauty of this plant. These plants are very popular, I see them everywhere, but they sure are cute! I really want to also take a cutting of this plant to make another one. But I still have to search on how to do it, because I don't know how just yet. If you would like it, I will share this process with pictures on my blog someday!
The last plant that I will show you today is this one, normally I have this plant standing on my desk, with the leaves hanging of the edge. This one is called the Silver vine (also know as the Scindapsus pictus: link here). I actually don't really have a fun story about this one, I havn't had it that long. But this is also one of my favorites, I do hope it grows more so it hangs down even more.
I will says that this is not even a third of the plants I have in my room. Like I said, kind of a problem.. But still, I think almost everyone can agree that plants give rooms and houses a nice ambiance. I do really love them. Well, this was it for my first 'real' post, I hope you enjoyed it! If you would like me to do another post about my plants and how I take care of them, please let me know. Than I will see you in the one!
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