My Current Reads

Friday, 13 September 2019 Arnhem, Nederland

Hi guys,

Since I started university I definitely have seen an increase in reading. Not only for the courses but also in private. Reading something more fun instead of all those texts helps me relax after a long day at uni. I'm also trying to increase the speed of my reading, while still remembering what I read. In today's post, I while share the books I'm currently reading with you. Yes, books is plural, I'm reading a few things at the same time :)

Disgrace - J.M. Coetzee
This is not really voluntary, I'm reading this at the moment while travelling to uni in the train. This book is one I have to read because of my course. It is a fiction novel that's why I'm sharing it here. It's a book that's not very popular with students. I find the main character very unsympathetic. The way the main character thinks and his opinions about women I can't sympathise with that. So not a novel I would recommend, but definitely a book I'm reading this month. I am currently halfway through.

The Bear and the Nightingale - Katherine Arden
It took me quite a while but I finally finished this book a few days ago. The story is beautiful but I had some problems with the language used in the novel. Because the story takes place in Russia, the names and words where very hard for me to truly understand sometimes. I took a few breaks with it, but I eventually did finish it. I do recommend this book if you have good knowledge of English vocabulary. The ending I found the best part of the novel, but I won't spoil it for you!

Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
I am actually re-reading this book. I read it quite a few years ago in Dutch (now in English). This opened the world of studying English. I never really thought of this before and it made me look up studies. I never did anything with it, feeling very insecure about my English and English writing. But look where I am now, and no regrets at all so far! This is for me a very easy novel that I'm reading fairly quickly. I read this mostly before I'm going to bed. This book is not mine, I borrowed it at the library. This book is definitely written for younger girls, but still fun to read.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling
Uhm yes.. I am one of the few students in my bachelor, that haven't (fully) read the Harry Potter series. I'm still reading it but I haven't read more in quite a while. I do enjoy the series, but the novels are quite big and that's holding me back a little. But I am kind of forced by my friends to finish the series. And so I will. Maybe when it's getting colder I will return to that Harry Potter mood (hot chocolate, blanket, candles, Harry Potter, am I right? :P).

On my to-read-list.
My to-read-list is actually getting longer by the day.. so much to read yet so little time! After I finished Harry Potter the Game of Thrones series by George R.R. Martin is next. Also a book I really want to read is How to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. And definitely the Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit series. Still a lot of books on my list.

This was it for today, I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know if you would like to see more posts like this in the future. Have a nice day you guys!



Btw: I recently started using Goodreads, follow me:

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