The Old Woman on the Train - short story

Monday, 9 December 2019 Arnhem, Nederland

Hi guys,

So a while ago I posted a short story I had written. This was the first time I actually shared something I've written with the world, and now it is time for another. I wrote this while I was sitting in the train going home. It is a short short story, and I hope you enjoy.



The Old Woman on the Train

All alone she sat in the train, staring out of the window. Dressed in warm clothes as it was getting colder outside in these winter months. I always wonder what would her thoughts be right now. Is she sad, or maybe lonely. These are questions I may never know the answers of. I did know that she wasn't wearing a ring. Maybe she is lonely after all. What must she think of this world, how it all changed in front of her eyes. She must have grown up very differently than the kids do these days. My she is angry, angry at us for changing her world. But maybe she is just lonely. I wonder where she might be going. To see an old friend, or her grandchildren maybe. Something I also may never know. When she stares down to the ground I can see her wrinkled face. I can see her sad eyes, that hide a 1000 stories. Or maybe more. This old woman on the train sits very quietly on a single seat. With her bag on her legs, she stares to the lights outside. No books she's reading or a phone she could be looking at. She just stares and stares. When the train stops, she stands up, and she gives me one last look. Her eyes twinkle a little, she must be happy to be here I think. I give her a small smile and she makes her way to the doors. And I know that I will never see her again. And I hope that she will be happy. 

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