20 Goals For 2020

Monday, 30 December 2019 Arnhem, Nederland

I've recently shared two posts (this post and this post) with you about my goals for 2020. If you haven't read these, please do! You can click on these two links: link and link. I hope that these posts give you an inside into my personal life, but that they also give you some inspiration or motivation. In today's post, I will share my 20 goals for 2020. Some of these I've already shared, but the other ones are just things I want to focus on but they are less prominent.

1. Become vegetarian

2. Write more

3. Work out and lose weight

4. Move out of my parents' house

5. Post at least 2 times a week

6. Read at least 3 books a month

7. Spend less money a month

8. Finish the first year of my bachelor

9. Travel to 3 new places

10. Save up for a new computer screen

11. Eat something out of my comfort zone

12. Plan out more quality time for myself

13. Be more grateful

14. Spend more time with friends

15. Spend less time on social media

16. Get into journaling (weekly, or daily?)

17. Budget my money better, stop spending it on things I don't need

18. Drink more water regularly

19. Clean out my space (room, computer, laptop, etc)

20. Improve my cooking skills

These are my 20 goals for 2020! What are yours? Let me know in the comments below this post!



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