I'm Actually Happy Right Now

Wednesday, 25 December 2019 Arnhem, Nederland

Merry Christmas everyone!

A while ago I shared a post with you about my plans for 2020. In that post, I shared the three things that I really want to change and that I'm actually changing at the moment. In today's post, I want to go on about this topic, also telling you a little about my mental health. If you haven't read that post then I would recommend you to do that first, it will make things easier to understand for you (plus, I'm actually proud of the things I've written). So, let's get into it.

For 2020 I've set three main goals for myself, which I already started two weeks ago. I am really someone that also waited to certain dates to 'start again'. Like when I used to journal, I never could keep up with it and waited to start again when it was a new month or year. The same goes for blogging but also my new year's resolutions. Well, two weeks ago, I realised that changes don't happen overnight, it is a process. I realised that if I keep waiting for a certain date to start doing things or changing things, I will never accomplish my goals. So I decided NOT to wait for the new year to start my resolutions. Now, was /is the perfect moment.

Recently, Bram and I have been going through some things in our relationship and decided to take a break. This gave me to opportunity to really look at myself and how I do things at the moment. This self-reflection really opened my eyes. For the last few years, I've been living in auto-mode and I kept procrastinating decisions. I did this because those decisions weren't easy and I was just living the easy way. But not any more. There are a few things I want to do for a very long time, but just never did. 2020 will be a year of change for me. It will be a year where I make choices because I want to make them, although they may be not the easy choice. About Bram and I, everything is okay. I won't go into details about this because it is personal. I did want to share this because this gave me the mental breakthrough to actually see my problems how they are.

But, the title of this post already said it: I'm actually happy right now. I am happy about my life, I am happy (and proud) of the choices I've made. There are still things I want to improve, but I give myself time because I cannot do everything at once. In another post, I will share other goals I want to set for myself in 2020. More general goals, or less prominent ones. At the moment, I am happy with how I live my life. I realised this a week ago when sitting in the bus. I felt truly happy, something I haven't felt in a while. And I can say to you, it felt really good. I felt less stressed, despite university. I sleep good, I go to the gym often and my social life is at a good point at the moment. I've done many things with friends. But I also spend some quality time with myself. This all made me relax and enjoy the everyday things in life.

I hope that with this post I have given you too some motivation to make the choices you want. To maybe look at yourself and realise how you aren't living your life how you want to live. Just remember that if you want to change this, don't wait for the perfect moment, do it now! I will see you again soon.



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